Frequently Asked Questions​


AUGURE is a powerful contact management tool specifically designed to meet the requirements of public relations and media relations. Similar to a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, AUGURE enables efficient organization, maintenance, and management of contacts with journalists and other media representatives.

The platform offers features such as centralized storage of contact information, tracking of interactions, planning and management of press events, and analysis of media coverage. AUGURE facilitates PR professionals in targeted outreach to journalists, tracking press inquiries, and fostering long-term relationships with media representatives.

With AUGURE, PR teams can interact more effectively with the media, optimize their press activities, and better measure the success of their campaigns. Through the integration of automation and analytics features, AUGURE helps companies strengthen their media presence and implement a successful communication strategy.

Email distribution is at the heart of the AUGURE application. Creating and distributing press releases, press kits, newsletters, invitations or any other document is an essential part of the communications function.

With AUGURE, you can distribute emails in large numbers, with no volume limit and no impact on your subscription. The application features an intuitive rich and responsive email editor, allowing you to create interactive emails using a drag-and-drop system in just a few clicks. Our servers are whitelisted and declared to limit rejection and the risk of spam.

AUGURE is a data integrator. As such, we don’t supply a journalist media database, an institutional database or any other type of data, but we draw on the expertise of the market’s leading players, such as Cision, Guide du Pouvoir, Matoya, Nomination, Mediaddress, Zimpel… which we integrate. We interface with suppliers via a workflow that automatically updates data in the application on a daily basis. AUGURE also lets you integrate and manage your own contacts. The transparent, daily updating of your data allows you, for example, to create press files and press lists precisely tailored to your needs, and to go beyond supplier constraints. You can qualify your journalists on the themes and subjects they cover more precisely thanks to tags that are specific to you in AUGURE. You can enrich contacts with personal information from your monitoring and contacts, and easily exploit it. You can integrate and manage contacts or collaborations of which the supplier would be unaware, for example.

AUGURE is a data integrator. As such, we don’t supply a journalist media database, an institutional database or any other type of data, but we draw on the expertise of the market’s leading players, such as Cision, Guide du Pouvoir, Matoya, Nomination, Mediaddress, Zimpel… which we integrate.

We interface with suppliers via a workflow that automatically updates data in the application on a daily basis. AUGURE also lets you integrate and manage your own contacts. The transparent, daily updating of your data allows you, for example, to create press files and press lists precisely tailored to your needs, and to go beyond supplier constraints.

You can qualify your journalists on the themes and subjects they cover more precisely thanks to tags that are specific to you in AUGURE. You can enrich contacts with personal information from your monitoring and contacts, and easily exploit it. You can integrate and manage contacts or collaborations of which the supplier would be unaware, for example.

No. The AUGURE platform is instantiated, meaning that each customer has his or her own database, and data is not shared with any other customer or data provider. Only you and our authorized personnel, as described in the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) when the contract is signed, have access to your data.

AUGURE is a data integrator. As such, we can interface with a number of providers, such as media/journalist contact database suppliers like Cision, Mediaddress, ARGUS DATA INSIGHTS or Zimpel for example, institutional contact database suppliers like Guide du Pouvoir or Matoya, decision-maker contact suppliers like Nomination, intelligence suppliers like Cision/Argus, Kantar, Aday, Hallon or Talkwalker for example. We are connected to over 40 suppliers worldwide. What’s more, we can develop custom solutions to interface with other solutions or in-house software, on request. We can also offer an SSO connection to your information system (access according to your digital identity directory), and are able to set up special server configurations (dedicated broadcast servers).

Exactly. AUGURE is a collaborative application that enables communications, press relations and public affairs teams in particular to work together and share information. Each user has personal access so that several can be connected at the same time. AUGURE also enables advanced user access management, with user rights management and data partitioning.

Our data is hosted in the secure data centers of OVH in France, with a very high level of availability and multiple daily backups. All our applications are monitored in real-time, and we regularly conduct intrusion tests. All the measures we take are formalized in our Security Assurance Plan (PAS), available upon request. These provisions allow us to offer you an application and services with a very high level of guarantees, data sovereignty, and GDPR compliance, enabling AUGURE to equip the most demanding companies and institutions, including numerous ministries, public institutions, and government agencies.

Our servers are whitelisted, meaning they are recognized as secure by recipients and registered to minimize rejections and the risk of being flagged as spam. During the project setup phase, your consultant shares the technical configuration (SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records) for you to relay to your IT department. This enables us to use your email addresses for distributions. Optionally, we can implement a specific configuration with a dedicated delivery server.

We designed the AUGURE application to be simple and intuitive, allowing you to manage all your public relations and public affairs activities. We consistently evolve the platform based on user feedback. Each of our projects includes a dedicated consultant, a true guide to your success in using AUGURE, and training sessions for users. The consultant tailors training to your team’s specific use cases, ensuring a seamless integration of AUGURE into your daily operations. The consultant serves as your primary point of contact throughout our relationship. Our in-house and localized user support is available with 24/7 coverage to assist you and address your inquiries. Tutorials are accessible from your AUGURE platform, and we conduct recorded thematic webinars every week, allowing you to sign up to explore or enhance the use of a feature.

No. Unlike some email platforms, AUGURE does not restrict usage based on the number of contacts managed or emails sent. You can manage all your stakeholders and engage them via email without the need for limitations. Some clients handle databases of several hundred thousand contacts through AUGURE, through which they disseminate their information.”

Yes. AUGURE enables communication teams and agencies to manage the entirety of public relations and public affairs activities, including managing databases of journalist contacts, managing databases of institutional contacts, monitoring relationships and activities, distributing press releases and documents via email, managing events and invitations, handling media coverage, managing product loans, analyzing and reporting, and documenting meetings.

The use of a supplier in AUGURE allows you to centralize all your data in a unique and homogeneous environment. The transparent and daily update of your media and journalist contacts enables you to create press files and press lists precisely tailored to your needs, surpassing the limitations of the supplier. This way, you can qualify your journalists on the themes and topics they cover more precisely using keywords (tags). You can enhance contacts with personal information from your monitoring and network, making them easy to leverage. Additionally, you can integrate and manage contacts or collaborations that the supplier may not be aware of. The integration of your supplier feedback (offline press, TV, radio media monitoring, and online media monitoring such as web, blogs, social networks) as well as the integration of manual feedback into AUGURE allows for a consistent and neutral qualification of your media impact, regardless of the consolidation entity (subsidiary, client), country, or supplier. You can, of course, quantify and qualify your feedback based on tone or media equivalent, as well as the inclusion of your key messages and verbatims, linking them to the communication actions that generated them, the type of feedback, your subjects, your themes, … thus, showcasing the efforts made. Your feedback is automatically linked to the media and journalists in your AUGURE database and retained, providing access to the publication history, even in the event of a change in the supplier.

AUGURE allows you to track and measure all PR activities: tracking and statistics on email opens and downloads, distribution reports, reports on events and guests, publication reports, press reviews, consolidated reporting… Additionally, we can create customized reports based on your own key performance indicators (KPIs) and format them according to your preferences.

AUGURE allows you to manage multiple types of contacts and companies, along with their associated classifications. Contacts such as journalists/media and institutional/organizations, of course, but also other types of contacts/companies with whom you communicate: partners, socio-economic actors, collaborators, sponsors, clients, newsletter subscribers, and more.

We operate in a general context of distrust toward information, due to a crisis of confidence in traditional media and institutions on one hand, and the rise of automated creation tools (artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney, and other AI solutions) that facilitate the emergence and dissemination of false information on the other. The fight against fake news is now cited as the top priority by journalists worldwide. Reputational risk can take various forms: false press releases, satirical content, deep fakes, fake images, and more. It is in the mutual interest of journalists and communicators to collectively strive for verified and verifiable information. To protect yourself from reputational risk and enable you to disseminate secure information through certified, verified, and verifiable documents, we offer standard certification for press releases and documents on our AUGURE platform

We operate in a general context of distrust toward information, due to a crisis of confidence in traditional media and institutions on one hand, and the rise of automated creation tools (artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney, and other AI solutions) that facilitate the emergence and dissemination of false information on the other. The fight against fake news is now cited as the top priority by journalists worldwide. Reputational risk can take various forms: false press releases, satirical content, deep fakes, fake images, and more. It is in the mutual interest of journalists and communicators to collectively strive for verified and verifiable information. To protect yourself from reputational risk and enable you to disseminate secure information through certified, verified, and verifiable documents, we offer standard certification for press releases and documents on our AUGURE platform.

Our in-house and localized user support is available by phone and email, with a 24/7 on-call service to assist you and address your questions.

Contacts Management

Email distribution is at the heart of the AUGURE application. Creating and distributing press releases, press kits, newsletters, invitations or any other document is an essential part of the communications function.

With AUGURE, you can distribute emails in large numbers, with no volume limit and no impact on your subscription. The application features an intuitive rich and responsive email editor, allowing you to create interactive emails using a drag-and-drop system in just a few clicks. Our servers are whitelisted and declared to limit rejection and the risk of spam.

AUGURE is a data integrator. As such, we don’t supply a journalist media database, an institutional database or any other type of data, but we draw on the expertise of the market’s leading players, such as Cision, Guide du Pouvoir, Matoya, Nomination, Mediaddress, Zimpel… which we integrate. We interface with suppliers via a workflow that automatically updates data in the application on a daily basis. AUGURE also lets you integrate and manage your own contacts. The transparent, daily updating of your data allows you, for example, to create press files and press lists precisely tailored to your needs, and to go beyond supplier constraints. You can qualify your journalists on the themes and subjects they cover more precisely thanks to tags that are specific to you in AUGURE. You can enrich contacts with personal information from your monitoring and contacts, and easily exploit it. You can integrate and manage contacts or collaborations of which the supplier would be unaware, for example.

We operate in a general context of distrust toward information, due to a crisis of confidence in traditional media and institutions on one hand, and the rise of automated creation tools (artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney, and other AI solutions) that facilitate the emergence and dissemination of false information on the other. The fight against fake news is now cited as the top priority by journalists worldwide. Reputational risk can take various forms: false press releases, satirical content, deep fakes, fake images, and more. It is in the mutual interest of journalists and communicators to collectively strive for verified and verifiable information. To protect yourself from reputational risk and enable you to disseminate secure information through certified, verified, and verifiable documents, we offer standard certification for press releases and documents on our AUGURE platform.

Data Security and Sharing

AUGURE is a data integrator. As such, we don’t supply a journalist media database, an institutional database or any other type of data, but we draw on the expertise of the market’s leading players, such as Cision, Guide du Pouvoir, Matoya, Nomination, Mediaddress, Zimpel… which we integrate.

We interface with suppliers via a workflow that automatically updates data in the application on a daily basis. AUGURE also lets you integrate and manage your own contacts. The transparent, daily updating of your data allows you, for example, to create press files and press lists precisely tailored to your needs, and to go beyond supplier constraints.

You can qualify your journalists on the themes and subjects they cover more precisely thanks to tags that are specific to you in AUGURE. You can enrich contacts with personal information from your monitoring and contacts, and easily exploit it. You can integrate and manage contacts or collaborations of which the supplier would be unaware, for example.

No. The AUGURE platform is instantiated, meaning that each customer has his or her own database, and data is not shared with any other customer or data provider. Only you and our authorized personnel, as described in the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) when the contract is signed, have access to your data.

Integration and Connectivity

AUGURE is a data integrator. As such, we can interface with a number of providers, such as media/journalist contact database suppliers like Cision, Mediaddress, ARGUS DATA INSIGHTS or Zimpel for example, institutional contact database suppliers like Guide du Pouvoir or Matoya, decision-maker contact suppliers like Nomination, intelligence suppliers like Cision/Argus, Kantar, Aday, Hallon or Talkwalker for example. We are connected to over 40 suppliers worldwide. What’s more, we can develop custom solutions to interface with other solutions or in-house software, on request. We can also offer an SSO connection to your information system (access according to your digital identity directory), and are able to set up special server configurations (dedicated broadcast servers).

User Collaboration and Support

Exactly. AUGURE is a collaborative application that enables communications, press relations and public affairs teams in particular to work together and share information. Each user has personal access so that several can be connected at the same time. AUGURE also enables advanced user access management, with user rights management and data partitioning.

Our data is hosted in the secure data centers of OVH in France, with a very high level of availability and multiple daily backups. All our applications are monitored in real-time, and we regularly conduct intrusion tests. All the measures we take are formalized in our Security Assurance Plan (PAS), available upon request. These provisions allow us to offer you an application and services with a very high level of guarantees, data sovereignty, and GDPR compliance, enabling AUGURE to equip the most demanding companies and institutions, including numerous ministries, public institutions, and government agencies.

Our servers are whitelisted, meaning they are recognized as secure by recipients and registered to minimize rejections and the risk of being flagged as spam. During the project setup phase, your consultant shares the technical configuration (SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records) for you to relay to your IT department. This enables us to use your email addresses for distributions. Optionally, we can implement a specific configuration with a dedicated delivery server.

We designed the AUGURE application to be simple and intuitive, allowing you to manage all your public relations and public affairs activities. We consistently evolve the platform based on user feedback. Each of our projects includes a dedicated consultant, a true guide to your success in using AUGURE, and training sessions for users. The consultant tailors training to your team’s specific use cases, ensuring a seamless integration of AUGURE into your daily operations. The consultant serves as your primary point of contact throughout our relationship. Our in-house and localized user support is available with 24/7 coverage to assist you and address your inquiries. Tutorials are accessible from your AUGURE platform, and we conduct recorded thematic webinars every week, allowing you to sign up to explore or enhance the use of a feature.

No. Unlike some email platforms, AUGURE does not restrict usage based on the number of contacts managed or emails sent. You can manage all your stakeholders and engage them via email without the need for limitations. Some clients handle databases of several hundred thousand contacts through AUGURE, through which they disseminate their information.”

Yes. AUGURE enables communication teams and agencies to manage the entirety of public relations and public affairs activities, including managing databases of journalist contacts, managing databases of institutional contacts, monitoring relationships and activities, distributing press releases and documents via email, managing events and invitations, handling media coverage, managing product loans, analyzing and reporting, and documenting meetings.

The use of a supplier in AUGURE allows you to centralize all your data in a unique and homogeneous environment. The transparent and daily update of your media and journalist contacts enables you to create press files and press lists precisely tailored to your needs, surpassing the limitations of the supplier. This way, you can qualify your journalists on the themes and topics they cover more precisely using keywords (tags). You can enhance contacts with personal information from your monitoring and network, making them easy to leverage. Additionally, you can integrate and manage contacts or collaborations that the supplier may not be aware of. The integration of your supplier feedback (offline press, TV, radio media monitoring, and online media monitoring such as web, blogs, social networks) as well as the integration of manual feedback into AUGURE allows for a consistent and neutral qualification of your media impact, regardless of the consolidation entity (subsidiary, client), country, or supplier. You can, of course, quantify and qualify your feedback based on tone or media equivalent, as well as the inclusion of your key messages and verbatims, linking them to the communication actions that generated them, the type of feedback, your subjects, your themes, … thus, showcasing the efforts made. Your feedback is automatically linked to the media and journalists in your AUGURE database and retained, providing access to the publication history, even in the event of a change in the supplier.

AUGURE allows you to track and measure all PR activities: tracking and statistics on email opens and downloads, distribution reports, reports on events and guests, publication reports, press reviews, consolidated reporting… Additionally, we can create customized reports based on your own key performance indicators (KPIs) and format them according to your preferences.

AUGURE allows you to manage multiple types of contacts and companies, along with their associated classifications. Contacts such as journalists/media and institutional/organizations, of course, but also other types of contacts/companies with whom you communicate: partners, socio-economic actors, collaborators, sponsors, clients, newsletter subscribers, and more.

We operate in a general context of distrust toward information, due to a crisis of confidence in traditional media and institutions on one hand, and the rise of automated creation tools (artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney, and other AI solutions) that facilitate the emergence and dissemination of false information on the other. The fight against fake news is now cited as the top priority by journalists worldwide. Reputational risk can take various forms: false press releases, satirical content, deep fakes, fake images, and more. It is in the mutual interest of journalists and communicators to collectively strive for verified and verifiable information. To protect yourself from reputational risk and enable you to disseminate secure information through certified, verified, and verifiable documents, we offer standard certification for press releases and documents on our AUGURE platform

We operate in a general context of distrust toward information, due to a crisis of confidence in traditional media and institutions on one hand, and the rise of automated creation tools (artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney, and other AI solutions) that facilitate the emergence and dissemination of false information on the other. The fight against fake news is now cited as the top priority by journalists worldwide. Reputational risk can take various forms: false press releases, satirical content, deep fakes, fake images, and more. It is in the mutual interest of journalists and communicators to collectively strive for verified and verifiable information. To protect yourself from reputational risk and enable you to disseminate secure information through certified, verified, and verifiable documents, we offer standard certification for press releases and documents on our AUGURE platform.

Our in-house and localized user support is available by phone and email, with a 24/7 on-call service to assist you and address your questions.

Task Management and Benefits

Yes. AUGURE enables communication teams and agencies to manage the entirety of public relations and public affairs activities, including managing databases of journalist contacts, managing databases of institutional contacts, monitoring relationships and activities, distributing press releases and documents via email, managing events and invitations, handling media coverage, managing product loans, analyzing and reporting, and documenting meetings.

The use of a supplier in AUGURE allows you to centralize all your data in a unique and homogeneous environment. The transparent and daily update of your media and journalist contacts enables you to create press files and press lists precisely tailored to your needs, surpassing the limitations of the supplier. This way, you can qualify your journalists on the themes and topics they cover more precisely using keywords (tags). You can enhance contacts with personal information from your monitoring and network, making them easy to leverage. Additionally, you can integrate and manage contacts or collaborations that the supplier may not be aware of. The integration of your supplier feedback (offline press, TV, radio media monitoring, and online media monitoring such as web, blogs, social networks) as well as the integration of manual feedback into AUGURE allows for a consistent and neutral qualification of your media impact, regardless of the consolidation entity (subsidiary, client), country, or supplier. You can, of course, quantify and qualify your feedback based on tone or media equivalent, as well as the inclusion of your key messages and verbatims, linking them to the communication actions that generated them, the type of feedback, your subjects, your themes, … thus, showcasing the efforts made. Your feedback is automatically linked to the media and journalists in your AUGURE database and retained, providing access to the publication history, even in the event of a change in the supplier.

AUGURE allows you to track and measure all PR activities: tracking and statistics on email opens and downloads, distribution reports, reports on events and guests, publication reports, press reviews, consolidated reporting… Additionally, we can create customized reports based on your own key performance indicators (KPIs) and format them according to your preferences.

AUGURE allows you to manage multiple types of contacts and companies, along with their associated classifications. Contacts such as journalists/media and institutional/organizations, of course, but also other types of contacts/companies with whom you communicate: partners, socio-economic actors, collaborators, sponsors, clients, newsletter subscribers, and more.

We operate in a general context of distrust toward information, due to a crisis of confidence in traditional media and institutions on one hand, and the rise of automated creation tools (artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney, and other AI solutions) that facilitate the emergence and dissemination of false information on the other. The fight against fake news is now cited as the top priority by journalists worldwide. Reputational risk can take various forms: false press releases, satirical content, deep fakes, fake images, and more. It is in the mutual interest of journalists and communicators to collectively strive for verified and verifiable information. To protect yourself from reputational risk and enable you to disseminate secure information through certified, verified, and verifiable documents, we offer standard certification for press releases and documents on our AUGURE platform.